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Penny stocks wants to do everything we can to help you trade successfully
Monday, 27 June 2016
Making profit through Penny Stocks



Penny stocks are famous for being stocks with a share price of one dollar. It is not popular among everybody because many people do not even know about it. Some people do not even understand what penny stocks are. It has always been confusing. If you can understand the concepts of penny stocks, you will see that it is simple. If you are wondering how to make a profit on penny stocks, then read on.


Research the stock

First, you need to research stocks. Researching a stock is mandatory before buying it. Failing to do a good research on it, can put you in trouble. A simple research can keep you away from that trouble. The initial step is to learn how that business works. You need to know what the business involves, and find out the financial conditions.  Find out what the business is all about. You need to know how the business makes money and the people involved in it. To find out about the business, you can visit their website and read the "About" section. See if there is anything as "Investors", and click on that. If it a good business for you to invest in you will find a good presentation on their website.


Gather information

You need to understand penny stocks in order to trade or invest. Gather as much as information you can about penny stocks. You need to understand the advantages and the disadvantages. There are many advantages, such as there is a good amount of money flowing to the investors. There is always an increase in revenue if you are trading the right way. Disadvantages include the penny stocks are considered risky, and there are fewer buyers. When there are few buyers, it gets difficult to sell at a good price. You can learn about penny stock by watching videos. There are many videos made by the experts on penny stocks. You can read blogs written by experts. People share their success story on the blogs. There are books on penny stocks. You can purchase them online or from a bookstore near you.


Do not believe anybody

The sad thing about penny stocks is that you cannot listen to anybody. Do not trust anybody. Some people fail miserably at penny stocks, and they will try to scare you. Do not listen to people who make it look like a stock is more than its value. You will get e-mails where they will ask you for money. They will say that they will help you make a profit. These are all fake and scams. Avoid unnecessary e-mails related to penny stocks.


Keep a photo

You are here to make a profit. You are not going be those who fail at penny stocks. If you are clear on the details of penny stocks, there is no way to fail. For a little motivation, you can keep a photo of what you want to do with the profit. This will help you stay focused at times when you feel discouraged. Suppose, you want a new house. Keep a photo of that on top of your PC. See that every day, and one day you will be able to purchase that.


Avoid the companies

Fin out from the company's reports if there are any financial matters that are affecting the company's income. If you find something like that, avoid that company. You need to fundamental analysis. It means you need to be able to predict the company's future. If you can do this, you can avoid trouble. If you think the future of a certain company is not good, you can avoid that. To find this out, you do not need to see the company's stock data or the stock price. Instead, you need to check what the company does, its customers and if the company has taken any debts and has failed to pay them. In order to make profits from the penny stocks or shares you need to do this.


Penny Stocks

Posted by stockspenny at 7:59 PM PDT
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Penny Stocks vs. Options: The similarities and the differences



Penny Stocks is a term that is not an unknown for seasoned traders. There is a settled criterion to define penny Stocks or share. In simple terms, you can consider it as security issues by a relatively small firm with having lower exchange rates not greater than $5. In most cases, anyone can acquire these stocks over the counter. There are several facilities available for the listing of such stocks like OTC Bulletin board. An investor can also trade penny stocks on security exchanges including the foreign exchanges.


Options & Calls

Options are contracts giving the buyer the privilege to purchase or offer a security at a particular cost inside of a specific timeframe. The dealer likewise holds a commitment to satisfy the exchange that is to offer or purchase, if the long holder practices the choice before its close. An option that gives the privilege to purchase something at a specific cost is known as a call option; an option that passes on the privilege to offer something at a particular cost is known as a put option. Options terminate on the third Thursday each month.



When people first begin to trade in each of these platforms, they do not have much money to begin.  When trading both options penny stocks, you have a broker account and the fees are similar. There are many stock brokers available for both options and penny stocks. The stock brokers for each of them have great tools and easy to use interface. You need to pick out the best stock broker while you are dealing with options and penny stocks.

The appealing part about both penny stocks and options is the minimal effort needed to make profits and low costs for entrance and high rate picks up. Penny stocks have been known for failing but there are times when the profit is a lot. Keeping things in context, however, the mathematical statement states, those options can also make a great deal of profit as often as possible.

To enter into any of the two, only one thousand dollar is enough. The entrance cost for each is very low.



What does it mean when people are talking about opportunities? Well basically, this implies the recurrence in which a feasible exchange circumstance comes around where you could reasonably profit. In the penny stock world, a given stock can go months on end with next to no or no development. It can now and again be truly difficult to really discover a penny stock that is moving and is setting up for an exchange. Why would that be the situation? By nature, the penny securities exchange is exceptionally illiquid, which means there simply is not much dealer movement. Dealers must purchase and offer amongst each other to make volume (liquidity), and there simply is not hugely predictable sum with penny stocks. Options then again are based on huge board stocks and ETF's. With these sorts of stocks, there is a predictable and routine high measure of volume every single day.


The Two Sections of Exchange & Penny Stocks

There are two sections of an exchange, selling and buying. This might appear to be exceptionally self-evident; however, the part most new dealers do not get it. We all know that is it easy to purchase. Nevertheless, keeping in mind the end goal is to sell, there must be somebody who needs to purchase from you. You need to see the huge issue of volume. Since in penny stocks there is not an immense measure of volume, now and again it can be quite tough to discover a purchaser for your penny stock shares when you need to offer, particularly in the event that you put on bigger measures of cash. With options and their higher volume, quite often somebody might be listening and hoping to purchase.


Penny Stocks

Posted by stockspenny at 2:36 AM PDT
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Saturday, 25 June 2016
10 Tips for trading in the Penny Stocks


The term penny stocks can be fearsome for some investors. It comes with risks and dangers. Unbelievably, you can make bags of money from penny stocks. If you are an investor, and you want to make money from penny stocks, here are 10 tips for trading.


Make a good brokerage account

There are many websites where you can open an account online. The websites offer great tools to control price and monitor volatility. You can start by putting a small amount.


Do not believe in the newsletter

You will get many newsletters about penny stocks. Let them pile up on your e-mail or just delete them. Those are from scammers. They want to make you believe that a company is great, and you need to invest. They are just after your money.


Timeliness is Important

Since our childhood, we have learnt that we need to be on time whether it is about school or for sleep. If you are late for trading, it can be difficult for you. There is less volume after the regular hours. You may find it annoying trying to get an order because their less trading volume. There is more competition when you are late. During regular hours, there are more buyers and sellers. You can face a big loss if you are late. Something with a value of $1000 can become $500. Trading in regular hours is known more having more opportunities and being more disciplined.


Try to Get the Reasons

You must know the reasons for why you are buying and selling. You can buy because you believe you can make a profit from it in the future. You can sell because you got a good price. If you sell it, you are going to make a profit.


Sell quickly when you can

You should be quick when it comes to selling when the value is high. You might think that the value will always be high, and you can sell anytime you want. If you think that way, you will be mistaken. Selling when the price is high will get you the profit.


Think before you do anything

Always plan ahead. We are always planning about everything such as our next vacation, so why not plan for something important as the penny stocks? Do not just jump into a stock because you see it is at a higher level. It is like a magic carpet. It will go up and eventually come down. By the time you purchase, it might become less of value.


Do not sell short

It means that you should not be in a rush to sell. You need to wait until the price increases. You are looking for making a profit through penny stocks. Selling short will not make you get that extra money.


Learn to relax

You cannot always be nervous about the penny stocks. You have to relax and let some oxygen enter your lungs. You need to take small vacations such a single day off. Do not always be nervous about loss. You need to know that in penny stocks, most people have failed. Many people again made a profit and got back what they had lost.

Talk with an expert

You can always learn more about penny stocks and trade on the internet. You can see the videos and read the blogs. It is better to talk to someone who is an expert in penny stocks in person. It will help you clear all your confusion.


Keep a Diary

Buy a diary, and make it for your penny stocks only. Write down your activities from the first day. In this way, you can see what you did in the beginning. You can improve if you have a diary. Make sure to write down everything in your diary. Write down everything you know about penny stocks.

You can reap the benefits of investing in penny stocks by using the tips listed above! Remember, it is always good to go into the market with such stocks after a complete research


Penny Stocks

Posted by stockspenny at 11:52 PM PDT
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Friday, 24 June 2016
Investing sensibly in the Penny Stocks


Some investors and traders do not find it wise to invest in penny stocks or shares. You can make a profit from it if you know how to deal with it carefully.


Do your research

You must have a good idea about penny stocks. You need to understand the advantages and the disadvantages of penny stocks. You need to know what penny stocks are. You need to understand what makes them risky. You have to know that research leads to profit. There are people who started with $1000 and ended up with millions of dollars. People who share their success story say that because of research they made the profit. You must know that penny stocks do not file with the SEC. This is the reason people are afraid of it. There is not much information about them. You might have to lower to price because there are not many buyers.


Make your Account

You need to make an online stock broker account. Go for one that is known for its maintenance and security. They must have great tools and platforms. You should install their mobile app on your phone. You should be able to build the perfect portfolio for your goals. You should be able to choose from stocks and other options. There should be assistance available all the time. The tools should be easy to use. If you need advice, they will give it to you free.


Do not listen to People

People will be saying many things to get you discouraged. It happens out of jealousy because many fail in the stock market. If they see you are doing great, they will start telling your bad things about penny stocks. You must also know that there is another group of scammers. They try to make you believe that a stock is more than its original value and make you buy it. You might get e-mails that want your money. Do not believe in any of those messages until you are sure whether they are real or not. It is always better to do a thorough research rather than acting upon others understanding towards penny stocks



You need to know that you are putting your money in the best penny stocks. Stay away from frauds. You can avoid shorting penny stocks. It means you think that the price will go up in the future. You can lose money if you go short. Be patient and wait until the value goes up. Think of a way to gather profit through buying and selling. You can try selling quickly when the value is high. The stock's value can reduce so it is better to not wait. Go for high-volume stocks at the start. If you trade at least 1 million shares each day, you are safe. If you have a low-volume stock you will find it hard to unload the stock when it is needed. Go with stocks that have value more than 50 cents. If you are thinking of being a good trader, do not trade more than 11 percent of the volume of the stock.


Don’t Put Your Money at Risk

Before investing in a stock, you need to find out the value of the stock. If the company goes bankrupt, you will lose your money. Do not invest unless you understand on what you are investing. Make sure all your taxes are clear before you invest in penny stocks. Being late for paying taxes could result in harsh consequences. Do not put all your money at once in the stock. If you lose then all your money will be gone. Take 30% of your money and hope it grows. You need to be patient because it is not a race. The value will be going up and down and you need to wait until it goes up. Think where an investment in penny stocks can lead you in the future

Penny Stocks

Posted by stockspenny at 8:02 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 24 June 2016 8:14 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 21 June 2016
How to Participate in Penny Stocks Trading



Penny stocks can be beneficial for you if you are thinking of investing. Some people find it dangerous because of some reasons. It all varies from person to person. Penny stocks can create confusion in your head but do not worry.


Grasp the concept of penny stocks

You need to find out what penny stocks are. They are considered as stocks that can be sold for less than five dollars per share. Some people are interested in investing here because of this reason. Many people have started with $100 and ended up being a millionaire. There are people losing money on the penny stocks because they do not consider all the factors that can be changed anytime. You shall not make this mistake because whoever made this mistake ended up losing money. You have to be ready for any sort of changes.


Understand the dangers of investing in penny stocks

There are many risks involved such as there is not much clear information about the penny stocks. The media also report fake news about penny stocks. It is difficult to gather the correct information about them. Many people have no idea or very little idea about them because of this. There is a problem in the liquidity. You might not find enough buyers. If there are not enough buyers, you will not succeed in selling the stock. You have to wait until you find a good buyer. With the less number of buyers, you do not have many options. It is hard to tell if a company is improving or not. There is no progress report on penny stocks. The deals are printed on bad quality papers making them scarier. There are many online scams about penny stocks. They are after taking money from the investors. Ignore any unknown e-mail about trading and stocks. Be sure if that is a real message or not. The percentage of investors failing is high, and you do not want to be a part of them. Companies have gone bankrupt because they did not understand the risks involved in penny stocks.


Think of the good sides of investing in penny stocks

You can make a profit from trading there. It is not as hard as working in the coal mines. It is quite simple. You need to research stocks. Researching stocks can take a lot of time but it is worth the time. You will be rewarded for your research. You do not want to miss the chance of investing in a great stock. After you can find out why you can fail, you will start to succeed. It means when you can find out what you did wrong, you can correct our mistakes. Sit down and think what could go wrong. You have to understand that the money you will make can be used for anything you want. You can send your children to great colleges or buy an amazing car. Many people have dreamt of a new house and with the money they made, they made their dream come true.



It is time for you to invest in a stock. People consider the unstable condition known as "volatility" to be a bad thing. You can use it for your benefit. Be ready to sell or buy quickly. Penny stocks are always changing so you may need to be fast. If you have bought shares that you can sell for a double price, you will have to sell them fast before the market lowers the price. In this case, volatility has helped you make profits. Many people have made profits using this method. It is like a swing and you need to be on the side that is up not the one going down.

Penny Stocks

Posted by stockspenny at 10:57 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 21 June 2016 11:02 PM PDT
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